The first step was to cut down the NP435 to 203 adapters with a saber saw and a hack saw. The second was to have a friend with a small Bridgeport Mill in his garage donate some Miller Time.

Add a little CADD for fun and we find one of the holes is going to be to close to the edge of the plate.
If I had to do it again I’d grind down more material before milling.
Small BrigePort Mill with digital read outs. The casting was milled down flat then pilot holes drilled at the machine shop
The casting was milled down flat then pilot holes drilled at the machine shop.
Bolting together the transfer-case and the transmission will come soon, in the interim strip the paint off of them both and paint them with POR15.
Dry fit of the Transfer –case and the Transmission with adapter plate.
We are reusing the original transmission mounts, and crossmember. In order to strengthen the connection (as one of the bolt holes is to close the edge of the plate for a full sized bolt) we are fabricating a mount to tie the transmission to the T-Case mount.
Here is the mark up of the mount.